In fact, a B.Tech in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can even specialize in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Data Science, Networking, Embedded Systems, or Cloud Computing. These specializations given by these universities allow students to focus on an area and are thus more marketable. Elective courses, research opportunities, and industry collaborations are some ways universities may assist students in the pursuit of gaining deeper knowledge in a specialization they have chosen.
Specialization in a particular area of ICT brings career advantages as the skills will be in sync with the industrial requirements. For instance, specializations in AI and Machine Learning are helpful in automation and predictive analytics, and specializations in Cybersecurity are inevitable for securing data. Data Science emphasizes analytics and big data, whereas Networking and Cloud Computing are required in IT infrastructure. In addition, students have opportunities to gain practical knowledge through internships, certifications, and projects. It is therefore a good foundation of ICT knowledge to specialize in one particular area to keep pace with the demands of modern times in search of that kind of professional pursuit.