Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath praised the efforts of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to improve the aviation sector in Uttar Pradesh. They have increased the number of airports, both for domestic and international flights. The state has seen a significant increase in the transportation of goods by air and the number of people traveling by air.
The Chief Minister wants to make sure that the facilities for air passengers are improved as the number of travelers is increasing. He also wants to expand the capacity of Prayagraj Airport before the Kumbh festival and improve the connectivity of Jewar Airport.
Currently, Uttar Pradesh has three international airports, 17 airstrips, and eight airstrips used by the Indian Air Force. The state government has completed construction projects in various places like Shravasti, Azamgarh, Chitrakoot, and Aligarh, and they are making good progress.
These benefits make the aviation sector an attractive option for students seeking a dynamic and rewarding career path.